The film uses the fbis own secret recordings to show how an undercover informant induced four men to join a plot to blow up a bronx synagogue and attack a nearby u. Usd black law student association holds black history. The newburgh sting is a documentary that chronicles the sting. Thats the compelling and provocative story that hbo documentaries film, the newburgh sting, by directors david heilbroner and kate davis, wants to tell, and does, in cinematic fashion. I am eagerly awaiting the full story via this documentary. Before the documentary newburgh sting wowed viewers at the tribeca film festival and earned an upcoming national screening on hbo, it was the lowbudget vision of a director intrigued by the entrapment claims of four city men convicted of terrorism charges. The men, known as the newburgh four, are each serving a 25year sentence for. But if you dont jump there note that it was a terrorist plot to shoot down planes and bomb synagogues in and around newburgh, new york in 2009. In 2011, four men from newburgh, new york, charged with plotting terrorist acts were convicted in federal court and sentenced to prison. How the fbis wiretaps and sting operation failed to stop. The newburgh sting is a documentary that chronicles the sting operation conducted by the fbi to bring down a terrorism plot in bronx, new york. Hbo doc the newburgh sting asks terrorism or entrapment. The documentary films division has recently obtained a film that is about the newburgh four.
Police say five women were arrested on prostitution charges, while three men were brought in for solicitation of the call girls. This is an impressive film that deals with issues of racial profiling in a unique way. In 2009, with television cameras rolling, the fbi triumphantly busted a domestic terrorist ring from newburgh, ny. To wrap our mind around just what this is about i resort to this link. The newburgh sting is a 2014 documentary film about the federal bureau of investigations sting operation on four muslim men involved in the 2009 bronx terrorism plot. On may 20, 2009, four men from the impoverished and largely african american city of newburgh, ny, were apprehended for an. Beginning in 2008, an fbi informant, shaheed hussain, recorded hours of conversations with the men who were ultimately arrested and convicted of planting three nonfunctional bombs next to two synagogues in riverdale, bronx and. The newburgh sting 2014 following an fbi sting operation, four muslim men from newburgh, n. The newburgh sting and the fbis production of the domestic.
The newburgh sting online full episodes of season 1 yidio. The arrest was described by the documentary as having been. While some charges against the elderly militia members stuck, the hutaree case largely fell apart because a federal judge acquitted seven members of the group on conspiracy. Revisiting the facts, after the convictions the newburgh sting, on hbo, about the bronx bomb plot. The newburgh sting is a documentary detailing how an undercover informant induced four men to join a plot to blow up a bronx synagogue and attack a nearby u. As told by the defendants, lawyers, local imams and a former career fbi agent, the film depicts how four men living at the margins of society were entrapped by an. Filmmakers kate davis and david heilbroner discuss their new documentary the newburgh sting, which covers the fbi investigation and. Hbo documentary films seizes newburgh sting before its. The documentary the newburgh sting delves deeply into this caseone of many cases across the country where people have been allegedly drawn into a plot with extreme consequences.
A major prostitution ring was busted in newburgh friday. Newburgh four member james cromitie is led away by police. The newburgh sting online stream the newburgh sting gratis. The fbi has also run terrorism sting operations against individuals who werent young muslim men, including four senior citizen militia members in georgia and members of the christian hutaree militia in michigan. Drawing on a trove of covert fbi video footage, this wellargued doc offers a spirited defense of four men charged in. The newburgh sting delves deeply into this case one of many cases across the country where people have been allegedly drawn into a plot with extreme consequences. The newburgh sting is an indepth exposure of the fbi entrapment of. The case made convincingly by the documentary the newburgh sting is that the four upstate new york men convicted of plotting to bomb synagogues in the bronx and destroy airplanes in. One such case is featured in the newburgh sting, a 2014 documentary that aired on hbo. The film was also screened before a closed briefing of the us senate and at the cato institute in conjunction with presentations by human rights watch and the aclu. The newburgh sting, directed by david heilbroner, hbo documentary films, 2014. Dre and jimmy iovine, and the epic roles they played in shaping todays music and popular culture.
The newburgh sting is a 2014 documentary film about the federal bureau of investigations sting operation on four muslim. On one level, the newburgh sting is a passionate plea from the defense perspective for the four men from newburgh, n. The newburgh sting has had a substantial impact through an extensive screening campaign across the country at law schools, community centers and with muslim advocacy groups. The documentary focuses on the federal bureau of investigations sting operation on four muslim men involved in the 2009 bronx terrorism plot. The newburgh sting is a 2014 documentary film about the federal bureau of investigations. The fbi targets a muslim community in newburgh, new york and arrests four men in 2009 during a sting operation, claiming they tried to help a pakistani business man, who was working with the fbi, with terrorist attacks. In a 24 hour news cycle, you are only as effective as your last headline, and the documentary the newburgh sting paints a troubling portrait of. Hbo decided to air newburgh sting after it showed at the tribeca film festival last year.
The newburgh sting, on hbo, about bronx bomb plot the new. The newburgh sting and the fbis production of the domestic terrorism threat. I vaguely remember some portions of this story as it hit the news a few years back. Hbo documentary films has picked up doc the newburgh sting ahead of the movies world premiere at the 2014 tribeca film festival. The case made convincingly by the documentary the newburgh sting is that the four upstate new york men convicted of plotting to bomb synagogues in the bronx and destroy airplanes in 2009 were the fall guys in an elaborate, cinematic. Follow bowie in the last years of his life, when he ended nearly a decade of silence to engage in an burst of activity, producing two. City sits the povertystricken town of newburgh, where, in 2009, four men were.
New york times reporter eric lichtblau discusses the fbis investigation of shooter omar mateen prior to the orlando attack, as well as the bureaus. The official site for hbo, discover full episodes of original series, movies, schedule information, exclusive video content, episode guides and more. The newburgh sting is a snapshot of something happening all over the country, with the illusion being presented of all kinds of terrorist cells being broken and individuals being tossed in jail. The newburgh sting, on hbo, about bronx bomb plot the. A screening of the documentary the newburgh sting the newburgh sting, which won a peabody award in 2014, is a detailed look at the use of fbi informants through the newburgh 4 case, which turned four innocent african american men into terrorists. The film uses the fbis own secret recordings to show how an. In addition to the presentation by graham, the blsa chapter screened the documentary the newburgh sting on feb.
With the help of an fbi informant, the fbi arrested four muslim men who were overheard planning to bomb synagogues and to bring down military cargo planes with missiles. Fbi terrorism sting tactics under new scrutiny in report. The newburgh sting, an hbo documentary, makes extensive use of f. An evening in support of the fort dix five saturday, december 12, 2015 7. Following an fbi sting operation, four muslim men from newburgh, n. Newburgh four documentary to screen at actors studio. At trial, the judge said cromitie was a man whose buffoonery is positively shakespearean in its scope. It is inevitable that this documentary will lean in favor of the defendants, as this type of subject is difficult to be neutral when the medias portrayal of the accused has. On may 20, 2009, four men from the impoverished and largely africanamerican city of newburgh, ny, were apprehended for an. Add the newburgh sting to your watchlist to get notified when its available to watch online.
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